Chocolate 101
While “blooming” is a nice word and reminds us of flowers, we want to make sure that this does not happen to your chocolates. If they do “bloom”, you will see them develop a light-colored powdery layer. Why? It is because sugar or fat crystals rise to the surface of the sweet treat. But, do not worry! Even if this happens, you can still eat your chocolate safely, only the texture might be different.
In order to prevent your chocolates from blooming, follow these simple instructions to fully enjoy your treats.
- Rule number one: do not refrigerate!
- Seal the chocolates in an airtight container.
- Store the chocolates in a cool, dry place, at the temperatures ranging from 65 to 68 °F (18 to 20 °C) and a humidity of ideally below 55%.
- Do not place chocolate next to anything with a strong smell, as the cocoa butter will absorb the smell and the chocolate will be spoilt.
- Keep them away from the light.
- Last but not least, enjoy your Gourmet Dourmé chocolates! Share the joy with everyone!